Gameplay Journal Entry #2

Leonardo Bentes
1 min readJan 26, 2021

For this journal I played Red Dead Redemption 2 which uses the RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) engine. The RAGE engine is reusable and they use the engine for multiple things. The RAGE engine was used for Red Dead Redemption 2 and for GTAV. The engine gets enhanced after every game but it is still at the base the same engine. RAGE is one of the most influential for the way the engine allows you to interact with the game world.

“Carmack would remark later that it was a “really significant inflection point for things, because all of a sudden the [game] world was vivid enough that normal people could look at a game and understand what computer gamers were excited about” (2003).” (Lowood 206). Just like the DOOM engine the RAGE engine allowed for people to see the game world and interact with it. With the RAGE engine users could interact with the world by the rag doll physics. When an NPC is killed you are able to push the body around and it would flail around. The RAGE engine also shows a vivid world through the lighting the engine uses.

“Game Engine.” Debugging Game History: a Critical Lexicon, by A. C. Deger et al., The MIT Press, 2016.

