Gameplay Journal Entry #3

Leonardo Bentes
1 min readFeb 2, 2021

The mod that I chose is a different animation for 1 handed swords in Skyrim. This mod uses the creation engine to create a new animation. This new animation changes gameplay because it adds extra hits to a move that would originally hit once. This can change gameplay because now the damage you would only do once now is done three times. There is also a animation that adds a dodge so you can dodge attacks. This dodge makes the gameplay a little fast and more engaging cause now you have the active ability to dodge.

Mods are like parasites according to Anne-Marie Schleiner “this parasitic feeding off the largesse of a host transpires without return to said host, who, in turn, acts as a thieving parasite to a host further up a chain of parasitism.” (Schleiner, 37). This shows that mods use the engine of a game for its own purpose without actually helping the engine. The mods can change the game and gameplay but the engine does not get changed. Mods take what the engine already gives to them and alters some things without giving the engine anything in return. Modding takes the game engine only to improve itself.

Schleiner, Anne-Marie. The Player’s Power to Change the Game: Ludic Mutation. Amsterdam University Press, 2018.

